Thank you for posting this tribute with all the great photos.
I love that guy a lot and will always remember him fondly. Some animals just have the biggest most wonderful personalities and he sure did. I was one of the lucky weeders who had the pleasure of Mr. Pouncer jumping up on my back, purring loudly and rubbing his nose into my neck.
He was lucky to have you for his family. What a great life you provided for him. In his own way he was the king of the land. And he was lucky to have your presence when he passed.
This is so cool honey! your observations and insight are spot on. Weeds come and go depending on the needs of the soil and ecosystem including the needs of the people and other inhabitants. Weeds, the hard working immigrants. What would we do without them?
That is one cool cream extractor and one cool dairy Queen
Thank you for posting this tribute with all the great photos.
I love that guy a lot and will always remember him fondly. Some animals just have the biggest most wonderful personalities and he sure did. I was one of the lucky weeders who had the pleasure of Mr. Pouncer jumping up on my back, purring loudly and rubbing his nose into my neck.
He was lucky to have you for his family. What a great life you provided for him. In his own way he was the king of the land. And he was lucky to have your presence when he passed.
This is so cool honey! your observations and insight are spot on. Weeds come and go depending on the needs of the soil and ecosystem including the needs of the people and other inhabitants. Weeds, the hard working immigrants. What would we do without them?
Hello, Would you consider making one to sell?
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Pingback: Nursery in the fall, the Permaculture way, nspiration farm
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We are so excited to help host this truly inspirational event!
beautiful land, gorgeous people, dear plants and frolicking animals. Success on so many levels, thank you people for persevering!
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Pingback: Fall Nursery Sale and Planting Time! - Inspiration Farm
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Pingback: Well here we are in the middle of July already! I guess it is time for an update of what is going on at the farm for the coming weeks.
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Pingback: Fall Planting and Harvests – Inspiration Farm
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