Inspiration Farm

May Permaculture in Action Day

When: Sat, May 27, 2023 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Where: Inspiration Farm, 617 E Laurel Rd, Bellingham, WASHINGTON 98226 Contact: Brian Kerkvliet Contact Email: Contact Phone: (360) 319-2029 Open Volunteer Spots: 6

Hands on Permaculture in Practice

Spring is here and it is time to get things in the ground. This time of year there is a lot to be done to get ready for the plants when they are ready to Spring forth. There is a wide array of projects to work on for the upcoming series of volunteer days.

We will keep projects fun, educational and productive in these part day volunteer opportunities. You will get to see and experience a developed permaculture system. This part of the year the water is flowing and the buds are bursting, ready to leap forth and bring fruit as days get longer and warmer.

A few projects we will be working on:

  • Scything and harvesting mulch to use in beds.
  • Cleaning up the food forest
  • Building a Kiwi arbor
  • Shaping up beds for planting
  • Making our own potting mix
  • Planting out starts and tending beds
  • Taking cuttings of plant material for Propagation
  • Potting up Seedlings and cuttings into their own pots
  • Cutting and Tending all the berry plants before fruit ripens
  • Putting plastic on hoop houses.

Join us fill RSVP below and let us know you coming. Let’s play on the land together!

We are excited to share how we do all of these projects with you. Having learned through trial and error over the years we are happy to share the knowledge.

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